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About the Presenter:
Dr van Saarloos has worked as a research scientist and inventor in the field of laser refractive surgery and corneal topography for the past 20 years. He has around 50 peer reviewed scientific articles and has over 100 issued patents. He is the inventor of the Zeiss Atlas topographer and the arc-step algorithm used in this device. He is also the inventor of the Telco excimer laser, the Dishler FDA approved excimer laser, the Q-Vis solid state refractive laser and the CustomVis solid state refractive laser. Dr van Saarloos was the managing director of Telco and is the founder and CEO of CustomVis.
Contact the presenter at:
van Saarloos, Paul; Pujara, Tarak; Jain Mukesh
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Accuracy of Eye Trackers in Laser Refractive Surgery:
New Generation Eye Tracking:
Automatic Cyclorotation: