Poster # P-66 Bimanual Microphacoemulsification and the New AKREOS AO MI-60 Through 1.8 mm Incision

Presenter: Murta, Joaquim

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Forty eyes of 40 patients with nuclear or corticonuclear cataract of grade 2 to 4 on the Lens Opacities Classification System III had microphacoemulsification by bimanual technique using the same machine (Legacy, Alcon and Duet bi-manual system). In all cases the incision was made superior in clear cornea (1.8 mm) and a hydrophilic acrylic lens - AKREOS AO MI-60 - was implanted. Intraoperative parameters were total phacoemulsification percentage, effective phacoemulsification time and final size of the corneal incision. Postoperative parameters were uncorrected visual acuity, best corrected visual acuity, keratometry difference, presence of flare and cells in the anterior chamber, deposition of cells in the surface of the IOL, stability of the lens. All eyes had at least 3 months follow-up.

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